Monday, April 4

Smartphones: providing seamless, secure exchange of data between multiple platforms

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ApplicationsScienceDaily (Mar. 2011) with the Smartphone market of today. In the future, Web-capable TVs, desktop computers and tablet PCs, and cars will run all the apps, which helps, for example, a program and a ski trip.

To enable Web applications bbarba networks, the project consortium webinos creates a full open source code base. Tagerted technology allows different devices and applications work together seamlessly, securely and interoperably. Most recentely, the Consortium is the first research results are summarized in reports four cover use cases, security, technical and industrial requirments.

Webinos from one of the major project to companies, research institutions, including the Fraunhofer FOKUS, Technische Universität München, University of Oxford with electronics companies such as Sony Ericsson, Samsung, carmaker BMW regulatory body like the W3C Deutsche Telecom operators. Webinos is sponsored by the 10 million euro grant from the European Union.

"The result of the webinos project is an open source platform that enables the secure exchange of data between multiple devices and services," explains Dr. Stephan Steglich, leader of the Consortium on the Fraunhofer FOKUS. The tools provided through the platform will allow software designers to create Web applications in any industry, and services that can be used, or common to a broad spectrum of integrated and connected devices-regardless of the hardware specifications for their operating systems.

New business opportunities

"It is already clear that for new business models and opportunities are endless, especially because the target platform for interactive webinos project and software developers and applications to design innovative applications, personalised and safer," says Dr. Nick Allott, technical coordinator of webinos and founder of NquiringMinds Inc. technology allows Web applications to access at the same time batlooizia, Your computer, your passwords or games or music player.

"Small and medium-sized enterprises also benefit from bright and low foot in the door ' of the world of applications," adds Dr. Steglich. "They don't need to go to the expense of purchasing or developing the software themselves if they want to adapt services to a wide variety of stations".

Secure Web experience

Privacy and security considerations are at the heart of webinos. It enables useful without hindrance, but only with user permission. Embedded in the open source platform features put sensitive data and functions under the user's explicit, not to remain on the questionable reliability of cloud. "Security and privacy user expectations" covered by one of the published reports.

Webinos developed platform is still in the design, with the first prototype is expected to be completed by the end of 2011. Webinos Consortium welcomes input into the development of the platform. For more information, visit:

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The above story is published (with writers adaptations by a teamdaily science) materials provided by the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft,, via AlphaGalileo.

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