Friday, April 8

Math for faster, more secure

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ScienceDaily (7 month 2011) faster, more secure multimedia sites hit by the new approach may be possible to secure a Web site and database. Boolean inputs allow thousands if not millions of users faster access to content which they are entitled, such as music, video, and pictures. The same process may reduce the risk of hackers accessing material illicitly.

Classic user identification requires remote user send a user name and password to the system they want to be authenticated. The system searches for a user name in its database that is stored locally, and then if the password matches the password stored in the filed, access is granted. Method to identify works under the assumption that there are no malicious users that their local consoles not infected by viruses.

Increasingly, however, these assumptions are too innocent. Assumption that not all users who have good intentions. Technology makes it easy to continuously capture transactions pipelines. User names and passwords so you can achieve easily by malicious third parties (other users or viruses), can be used for illegal hit systems.

Currently, the University education of Nikolaos Bardis, Vari, Greece and colleagues there and the Federal Institute of Kiev, Ukraine, developed an innovative approach to the hits, which implements some of the concept of zero identifies the advanced knowledge. The system is based on a series of relatively simple mathematical operations, referred to as Boolean operators, one way to make sure that log on to the encryption and decryption calculations-the standard in use today. The team explains that the pilot shows that their approach to sign can be hundreds or thousands of times faster than conventional logins. More importantly, the system will reduce the overall computing requirements of the supply side, as well as performing system much more secure logins.

"The effectiveness of information security algorithms is defined based on two factors: the level of security and the amount of computational resources required for the implementation of security functions," last sheet and colleagues explain Bardis of International Journal of multimedia intelligence and security.

Hnormatibim that all of the information security algorithm is a mathematical problem analytically fibrin, which you can define a function applied to the "x" to "y"; Y = F (X). The function may be so made this impossible reversal, like trying to unmix draws different colored pot. Asymmetric encryption algorithms (public key encryption algorithms) use this approach hit a Web browser and access to common systems for different types of database. This type of entry requires a lot of powerful computational inherently slow. Boolean function pointer team can be as simple as sophisticated, but requires a fraction of the computational power, and can be much, much faster.

Reset user authentication schemes in order to provide the user with a special function that produces a large number of results are different for each possible input. A group of input items that produce that result is selected. These hits are the passwords of users. A new user registers by sending their system and the common result. Validates the user for normal operation with a password at once. The user provides the password at the beginning of each meeting. The system calculates the value with this password serves as input to the function. If this is the common result, then successfully authenticate, access is granted. In fact, be someone who is trying to gain access without the knowledge necessary (invalid user) password to possible combinations, all before it.

Typically, functions used in recruiting large numbers of large forces and large numbers to find the remainder. These are the creations of standard computer systems processors run very slow, to impose a significant burden on even larger information systems with a large number of users. The proposed scheme uses linear systems of equations, not to build the Boolean function. Boolean equations to process binary data, using a simple binary operations between bits. This is exclusive OR (XOR). Calculations are thus much simpler for the simple reason that it is much easier to calculate expression logic than to increase the number of 100 digit to 10 digit, and then divide the result in large numbers. The series of replacements for the registration and verification is the same as before. However common they hit and binary vector.

"Zero knowledge of the user ID and security password Troubleshooter by using the change for each operating system, it is not known beforehand. The system only check validity, "team member DOUKAS Nikolaos explains. "The proposed method has the potential to use each system where malicious users have incentives to get illegal access and perform actions that they are not entitled to. The number of such systems is growing rapidly as the achievements of the information, "concludes.

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The above story is published (with writers adaptations by a teamdaily science) materials supplied Inderscienceby, via AlphaGalileo.

A journal:

  1. Nikolaos Bardis, Nikolaos DOUKAS, Oleksandr p. Markovskyi. Quick subscription ID is based on the principle of zero knowledge for distributing multimedia content. International Journal of multimedia intelligence and security, 2010; 1 (4): DOI: 10.1504/IJMIS 363.2010.039237

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