*Note: This tutorial is for semi experienced phreakers... if you dont
understand something then go read other tutorials because this one isnt
for you. I made it so you'd have a little more up to date information on
payphones... not my best work but informative
Table Of Contents
I. Introduction
II. Types Of Payphones
III. Boxes you’ll Need
IV. Tools You’ll need
V. Methods of Payphone Exploitation
VI. Other Ideas
VII. Greets
Well whats every phreaks dream? Free payphone calls! But getting
free payphone calls isn’t that easy or that stealthy. I will go through
the ways to get around them but be warned this can get you jail time and
or a big ass fine. Also this is for people who have certain boxes made.
I don’t tell you how to make any of these boxes in this tutorial.
Types of Payphones://
There are 2 types, COCOTS and Mah Bell phones. COCOTS are owned by
local business owners and aren’t run by the phone company. Bell/Verizon
phones are… They are easy to tell the difference because Mah Bell phones
will have the word “Bell” or “Verizon”. Holly shit that was hard!
Boxes You’ll Need://
Hehe the boxes. Ok well contrary to what most people believe, redboxes
still work today… omg yes they do! Heh, but only on certain types of phones.
You’ll need a beige box too.
Tools You’ll Need://
Welp, you’ll just need the usual tools and a new addition. Ya need
Wire Cutters, Wire Skinner, screw driver, and a Hacksaw (These come in
pocket knives so I suggest you get one bish)
Methods of Payphone Exploitation://
Here we go; I will break this up into two categories
MahBell and COCOTs.
Ok well here is were im not too experienced, so I’ll go from what
I told still works, if it doesn’t then oh fuck I’m so sorry ;). COCOTS
are payphones set up by the simple people. They run off of regular phone
wires and 90% of the time the wires don’t run underground…. So hey guess
what… if it’s a regular phone wire… then we can beige box it right? RIGHT!
So there are 2 ways of doing this. The obvious and the not so obvious. The
obvious is to cut the wire that runs from the handset to the actual phone
and clip in your beige box,, the not so obvious is to follow the wires that
run down the payphone up to the wall of the building, you should see a little
medal box that you can unscrew, you can expose the wires here and clip in.
Another way of doing this is to use a redbox. But redboxes don’t work on a
COCOT without having to socially engineer the operator. So here’s what ya
do; call “0” and tell the operator that someone put gum all over the keys
and you need her to place a call for you. When she asks for money play the
tones on your redbox, it works beautifully were I live, people
in Mississippi don’t know shit ;).
-Mah Bell-
Mah bell phones? EASY SHIT! These can be redboxed!!! Atleast they
can were I live. Go find a tutorial on how to make a redbox somewere and
use it! If the phones have some type of protection against them, use the
operator trick I told you about earlier.
Other Ideas://
I had some ideas for COCOTS. What if you set up a modified portable
phone at a COCOT… so you could pick up your handset and fuck around with
the person?! Wouldn’t that be great!? You’d get calling card numbers and
you could harass people!. I was inspired from a story on www.phonelosers.org.
Hah well yeah ok that’s my 2 cents.
Here you will find the dirtiest hacker tricks of the world. Lern how to intrude computer systems and hacking wlan clouds. Dave is da best fucking motherfucker in computer criminality.
Sunday, September 6
Bypass Rapidshare Timelimit
Rapidshare traces the users IP address to limit each user to a certain amount of downloading per day. To get around this, you need to show the rapidshare server, a different IP address. You can do this one of multiple ways.
Requesting a new IP address from your ISP server.
Here's how to do it in windows:
1. Click Start
2. Click run
3. In the run box type cmd.exe and click OK
4. When the command prompt opens type the following. ENTER after each new line.
ipconfig /flushdns
ipconfig /release
ipconfig /renew
5. Erase your cookies in whatever browser you are using.
6. Try the rapidshare download again.
Frequently you will be assigned a new IP address when this happens. Sometime you will, sometimes you will not. If you are on a fixed IP address, this method will not work. To be honest, I do not know how to do this in linux/unix/etc. If this works for you, you may want to save the above commands into a batch file, and just run it when you need it.
Ultimate Zip Cracker Software Download
Rapidshare traces the users IP address to limit each user to a certain amount of downloading per day. To get around this, you need to show the rapidshare server, a different IP address. You can do this one of multiple ways.
Requesting a new IP address from your ISP server.
Here's how to do it in windows:
1. Click Start
2. Click run
3. In the run box type cmd.exe and click OK
4. When the command prompt opens type the following. ENTER after each new line.
ipconfig /flushdns
ipconfig /release
ipconfig /renew
5. Erase your cookies in whatever browser you are using.
6. Try the rapidshare download again.
Frequently you will be assigned a new IP address when this happens. Sometime you will, sometimes you will not. If you are on a fixed IP address, this method will not work. To be honest, I do not know how to do this in linux/unix/etc. If this works for you, you may want to save the above commands into a batch file, and just run it when you need it.
Manage Saved IE Passwords
When you enter a user name and password, Internet Explorer may ask if you want it to remember the password. Click on Yes and it will automatically fill in the password next time you enter that user name. But if you check Don't offer to remember any more passwords, then whether you click on Yes or No, you won't be prompted again. To recover this feature, launch Internet Options from IE's Tools menu, select the Content tab, click on the AutoComplete button, and check Prompt me to save passwords.
To delete an individual saved password entry, go to the log-on box on a Web page and double-click. Your saved AutoComplete entries will drop down. Use the arrow keys to scroll to the one you want to delete, and press the Del key.
Ultimate Zip Cracker Software Download
To delete an individual saved password entry, go to the log-on box on a Web page and double-click. Your saved AutoComplete entries will drop down. Use the arrow keys to scroll to the one you want to delete, and press the Del key.
How to make key generators?
I take no responsibility of the usage of this information.
This tutorial, is for educational knowledge ONLY.
Hi there, in this tutorial, I intend to teach you how to make a pretty
simple keygen, of a program called W3Filer 32 V1.1.3.
W3Filer is a pretty good web downloader...
I guess some of you might know the program.
I`ll assume you know:
A.How to use debugger (in this case, SoftIce).
B.How to crack, generally (finding protection routines,patching them,etc...).
C.How to use Disassembler (This knowledge can help).
E.How to code in Turbo Pascal ™.
Tools you`ll need:
A.SoftIce 3.00/01 or newer.
B.WD32Asm. (Not a must).
C.The program W3Filer V1.13 (if not provided in this package), can be found in
www.windows95.com I believe.
D.Turbo Pascal (ANY version).
Well, enough blah blah, let's go cracking...
Run W3Filer 32.
A nag screen pops, and , demands registration (Hmm, this sux ;-)) Now,
We notice this program has some kind of serial number (Mine is 873977046),
Let's keep the serial in mind, I bet we`ll meet it again while we're on
the debugger.
Well, now, let's put your name and a dummy reg code...
set a BP on GetDlgItemTextA, and, press OK.
We pop inside GetDlgItemTextA, Lets find the registration routine...
I`ll save you the work, the registration routine is this:
:00404DB2 8D95A8FAFFFF lea edx, dword ptr [ebp+FFFFFAA8]
:00404DB8 52 push edx ---> Your user name here.
:00404DB9 E80B550000 call 0040A2C9 ---> Registration routine.
:00404DBE 83C408 add esp, 00000008 ---> Dunno exactly what is it.
:00404DC1 85C0 test eax, eax ---> Boolean identifier, 0 if
:00404DC3 7D17 jge 00404DDC ---> registration failed, 1 if
Well, Let's enter the CALL 40A2C9, and see what's inside it:
(Please read my comments in the code).
* Referenced by a CALL at Addresses:
|:00404DB9 , :00407F76
:0040A2C9 55 push ebp
:0040A2CA 8BEC mov ebp, esp
:0040A2CC 81C4B0FEFFFF add esp, FFFFFEB0
:0040A2D2 53 push ebx
:0040A2D3 56 push esi
:0040A2D4 57 push edi
:0040A2D5 8B5508 mov edx, dword ptr [ebp+08]
:0040A2D8 8DB500FFFFFF lea esi, dword ptr [ebp+FFFFFF00]
:0040A2DE 33C0 xor eax, eax
:0040A2E0 EB16 jmp 0040A2F8
* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or ©onditional Jump at Address:
:0040A2E2 0FBE0A movsx ecx, byte ptr [edx] ----> Here Starts the
interesting part.
:0040A2E5 83F920 cmp ecx, 00000020 ----> ECX is the the current
char in the user name, Hmm, 20h=' '...
:0040A2E8 740D je 0040A2F7 ----> Let's see,
:0040A2EA 8A0A mov cl, byte ptr [edx] ----> Generally, all this loop
does, is copying
the user name from
[EDX], to [ESI], WITHOUT the spaces!
(Keep this in mind! ).
:0040A2EC 880C06 mov byte ptr [esi+eax], cl
:0040A2EF 42 inc edx
:0040A2F0 40 inc eax
:0040A2F1 C6040600 mov byte ptr [esi+eax], 00
:0040A2F5 EB01 jmp 0040A2F8
* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or ©onditional Jump at Address:
:0040A2F7 42 inc edx
* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or ©onditional Jump at Addresses:
|:0040A2E0(U), :0040A2F5(U)
:0040A2F8 803A00 cmp byte ptr [edx], 00
:0040A2FB 75E5 jne 0040A2E2 ----------------> This is the loop , we got
what it does,
Let's continue tracing
the code...
:0040A2FD 56 push esi --------> The user name is pushed, in order
Upcase it's chars.
* Reference To: USER32.CharUpperA, Ord:0000h
:0040A2FE E80F330000 Call User!CharUpper ---> After this, our name is in
upper case.
:0040A303 56 push esi -----> Our name in upper case here.
* Reference To: cw3220mt._strlen, Ord:0000h
:0040A304 E86F300000 Call 0040D378 ---> This is the length of our name.
:0040A309 59 pop ecx
:0040A30A 8BC8 mov ecx, eax ---> ECX=Length.
:0040A30C 83F904 cmp ecx, 00000004 ---> Length>=4 (MUST).
:0040A30F 7D05 jge 0040A316 ---> Let's go to this address...
:0040A311 83C8FF or eax, FFFFFFFF
:0040A314 EB67 jmp 0040A37D
* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or ©onditional Jump at Address:
:0040A316 33D2 xor edx, edx
:0040A318 33C0 xor eax, eax
:0040A31A 3BC8 cmp ecx, eax
:0040A31C 7E17 jle 0040A335 ---> (Not important, just another useless
============ FROM HERE AND ON, THE IMPORTANT CODE, PAY ATTENTION ==================
One thing before we continue, EDX = 00000000h as we enter to the next instructions.
* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or ©onditional Jump at Address:
:0040A31E 0FBE1C06 movsx ebx, byte ptr [esi+eax] ---> EBX <--- char in user
name, offset EAX.
:0040A322 C1E303 shl ebx, 03 -----> Hmm, it shl's the char by 03h...
(Remember that).
:0040A325 0FBE3C06 movsx edi, byte ptr [esi+eax] ---> Now EDI <--- Char in
user name , offset EAX.
:0040A329 0FAFF8 imul edi, eax -----> It multiplies the char by the
offset in user name! (Remember that).
:0040A32C 03DF add ebx, edi -----> Adds the result to EBX (That was
Shelled (Ding Dong =)).
:0040A32E 03D3 add edx, ebx -----> EDX=EDX+EBX!!! - This is the CORE
of this registration routine!!!
:0040A330 40 inc eax -----> Increase EAX by one (next char).
:0040A331 3BC8 cmp ecx, eax
:0040A333 7FE9 jg 0040A31E ----> If ECX loop.
* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or ©onditional Jump at Address:
:0040A335 A120674100 mov eax, dword ptr [00416720] ---> HMMMMMM, What's in
:0040A33A C1F803 sar eax, 03 ---------> WAIT! Please type in SIce '?
Does this number in EAX look
familiar to us? ;-)
If you still don`t understand,
than, It's
your time, and check by
yourself - don`t trust me!). OK,
so now we know,
That it SHR's EAX by 03 (SAR is
almost identical to SHR).
:0040A33D 03D0 add edx, eax ---------> Hmm, it adds the result from the
loop, the serial number shr'd by 03h
:0040A33F 52 push edx -------> Let's continue. (At this point, I
can tell you , the reg number, is
in EDX - only that the reg number
is in HEX --> That's how you enter it).
* Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->"%lx"
:0040A340 685EF54000 push 0040F55E
:0040A345 8D95B0FEFFFF lea edx, dword ptr [ebp+FFFFFEB0]
:0040A34B 52 push edx
* Reference To: USER32.wsprintfA, Ord:0000h
:0040A34C E8E5320000 Call 0040D636 -------> This one, does HEX2STR (Takes
the value from EDX, and turns it to an hex string).
:0040A351 83C40C add esp, 0000000C
:0040A354 8D8DB0FEFFFF lea ecx, dword ptr [ebp+FFFFFEB0] -----> type 'd ecx' -
THIS is the reg number! That's enough for us, the rest of
the code, is
just for comparing the correct reg code with ours.
:0040A35A 51 push ecx
* Reference To: USER32.CharLowerA, Ord:0000h
:0040A35B E8B8320000 Call 0040D618
:0040A360 8D85B0FEFFFF lea eax, dword ptr [ebp+FFFFFEB0]
:0040A366 50 push eax
:0040A367 FF750C push [ebp+0C]
* Reference To: cw3220mt._strcmp, Ord:0000h
:0040A36A E875300000 Call 0040D3E4
:0040A36F 83C408 add esp, 00000008
:0040A372 85C0 test eax, eax
:0040A374 7405 je 0040A37B
:0040A376 83C8FF or eax, FFFFFFFF
:0040A379 EB02 jmp 0040A37D
* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or ©onditional Jump at Address:
:0040A37B 33C0 xor eax, eax
* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or ©onditional Jump at Addresses:
|:0040A314(U), :0040A379(U)
:0040A37D 5F pop edi
:0040A37E 5E pop esi
:0040A37F 5B pop ebx
:0040A380 8BE5 mov esp, ebp
:0040A382 5D pop ebp
:0040A383 C3 ret
Making the actual Keygen
Now, after I've explained how does the program calculate the registration
code, you can either write your own keymaker, without looking at my code, or
look at my code (in Turbo Pascal - sorry for all you C lovers ;-) Next time).
That's it, here's the source of my keygen:
------------------- Cut here ---------------------------------------------
Program W3FilerKeygen;
Writeln(' W3Filer32 V1.1.3 Keymaker');
writeln('Cracked by ^pain^ ''97 / Rebels!');
Write('Your Name:'); { Read the name }
Write('Serial Number:');
readln(SerialNum); {Yes, we need the serial number for the calculation!}
For I:=1 to length(Name) do
If Name[I]<>' ' then begin
eb:=ord(Name[I]) shl 3; {EB = Name[I] Shl 03h}
Ed:=ord(Name[I]); {ED = Name[I]}
ed:=ed*(x); {ED=ED*Offset}
eb:=eb+ed; {Add ED to EB}
Key:=Key+EB; {Add EB to KEY}
Key:=Key+(SerialNum shr 3); { Add SerialNum shr 03h to Key}
{ From here, this is just HEX2STRING --> I`m quite sure it's
Self explaintory, else - go and learn number bases again! ;-)}
digit:=Key mod 16;
key:=key div 16;
If digit<10 then KeyHex:=Chr(Digit+ord('0'))+KeyHex;
If digit>10 then KeyHex:=Chr(Digit-10+ord('a'))+KeyHex;
until key=0;
writeln('Your Key:',KeyHex);
writeln(' Enjoy!');
Ultimate Zip Cracker Software Download
I take no responsibility of the usage of this information.
This tutorial, is for educational knowledge ONLY.
Hi there, in this tutorial, I intend to teach you how to make a pretty
simple keygen, of a program called W3Filer 32 V1.1.3.
W3Filer is a pretty good web downloader...
I guess some of you might know the program.
I`ll assume you know:
A.How to use debugger (in this case, SoftIce).
B.How to crack, generally (finding protection routines,patching them,etc...).
C.How to use Disassembler (This knowledge can help).
E.How to code in Turbo Pascal ™.
Tools you`ll need:
A.SoftIce 3.00/01 or newer.
B.WD32Asm. (Not a must).
C.The program W3Filer V1.13 (if not provided in this package), can be found in
www.windows95.com I believe.
D.Turbo Pascal (ANY version).
Well, enough blah blah, let's go cracking...
Run W3Filer 32.
A nag screen pops, and , demands registration (Hmm, this sux ;-)) Now,
We notice this program has some kind of serial number (Mine is 873977046),
Let's keep the serial in mind, I bet we`ll meet it again while we're on
the debugger.
Well, now, let's put your name and a dummy reg code...
set a BP on GetDlgItemTextA, and, press OK.
We pop inside GetDlgItemTextA, Lets find the registration routine...
I`ll save you the work, the registration routine is this:
:00404DB2 8D95A8FAFFFF lea edx, dword ptr [ebp+FFFFFAA8]
:00404DB8 52 push edx ---> Your user name here.
:00404DB9 E80B550000 call 0040A2C9 ---> Registration routine.
:00404DBE 83C408 add esp, 00000008 ---> Dunno exactly what is it.
:00404DC1 85C0 test eax, eax ---> Boolean identifier, 0 if
:00404DC3 7D17 jge 00404DDC ---> registration failed, 1 if
Well, Let's enter the CALL 40A2C9, and see what's inside it:
(Please read my comments in the code).
* Referenced by a CALL at Addresses:
|:00404DB9 , :00407F76
:0040A2C9 55 push ebp
:0040A2CA 8BEC mov ebp, esp
:0040A2CC 81C4B0FEFFFF add esp, FFFFFEB0
:0040A2D2 53 push ebx
:0040A2D3 56 push esi
:0040A2D4 57 push edi
:0040A2D5 8B5508 mov edx, dword ptr [ebp+08]
:0040A2D8 8DB500FFFFFF lea esi, dword ptr [ebp+FFFFFF00]
:0040A2DE 33C0 xor eax, eax
:0040A2E0 EB16 jmp 0040A2F8
* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or ©onditional Jump at Address:
:0040A2E2 0FBE0A movsx ecx, byte ptr [edx] ----> Here Starts the
interesting part.
:0040A2E5 83F920 cmp ecx, 00000020 ----> ECX is the the current
char in the user name, Hmm, 20h=' '...
:0040A2E8 740D je 0040A2F7 ----> Let's see,
:0040A2EA 8A0A mov cl, byte ptr [edx] ----> Generally, all this loop
does, is copying
the user name from
[EDX], to [ESI], WITHOUT the spaces!
(Keep this in mind! ).
:0040A2EC 880C06 mov byte ptr [esi+eax], cl
:0040A2EF 42 inc edx
:0040A2F0 40 inc eax
:0040A2F1 C6040600 mov byte ptr [esi+eax], 00
:0040A2F5 EB01 jmp 0040A2F8
* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or ©onditional Jump at Address:
:0040A2F7 42 inc edx
* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or ©onditional Jump at Addresses:
|:0040A2E0(U), :0040A2F5(U)
:0040A2F8 803A00 cmp byte ptr [edx], 00
:0040A2FB 75E5 jne 0040A2E2 ----------------> This is the loop , we got
what it does,
Let's continue tracing
the code...
:0040A2FD 56 push esi --------> The user name is pushed, in order
Upcase it's chars.
* Reference To: USER32.CharUpperA, Ord:0000h
:0040A2FE E80F330000 Call User!CharUpper ---> After this, our name is in
upper case.
:0040A303 56 push esi -----> Our name in upper case here.
* Reference To: cw3220mt._strlen, Ord:0000h
:0040A304 E86F300000 Call 0040D378 ---> This is the length of our name.
:0040A309 59 pop ecx
:0040A30A 8BC8 mov ecx, eax ---> ECX=Length.
:0040A30C 83F904 cmp ecx, 00000004 ---> Length>=4 (MUST).
:0040A30F 7D05 jge 0040A316 ---> Let's go to this address...
:0040A311 83C8FF or eax, FFFFFFFF
:0040A314 EB67 jmp 0040A37D
* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or ©onditional Jump at Address:
:0040A316 33D2 xor edx, edx
:0040A318 33C0 xor eax, eax
:0040A31A 3BC8 cmp ecx, eax
:0040A31C 7E17 jle 0040A335 ---> (Not important, just another useless
============ FROM HERE AND ON, THE IMPORTANT CODE, PAY ATTENTION ==================
One thing before we continue, EDX = 00000000h as we enter to the next instructions.
* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or ©onditional Jump at Address:
:0040A31E 0FBE1C06 movsx ebx, byte ptr [esi+eax] ---> EBX <--- char in user
name, offset EAX.
:0040A322 C1E303 shl ebx, 03 -----> Hmm, it shl's the char by 03h...
(Remember that).
:0040A325 0FBE3C06 movsx edi, byte ptr [esi+eax] ---> Now EDI <--- Char in
user name , offset EAX.
:0040A329 0FAFF8 imul edi, eax -----> It multiplies the char by the
offset in user name! (Remember that).
:0040A32C 03DF add ebx, edi -----> Adds the result to EBX (That was
Shelled (Ding Dong =)).
:0040A32E 03D3 add edx, ebx -----> EDX=EDX+EBX!!! - This is the CORE
of this registration routine!!!
:0040A330 40 inc eax -----> Increase EAX by one (next char).
:0040A331 3BC8 cmp ecx, eax
:0040A333 7FE9 jg 0040A31E ----> If ECX
* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or ©onditional Jump at Address:
:0040A335 A120674100 mov eax, dword ptr [00416720] ---> HMMMMMM, What's in
:0040A33A C1F803 sar eax, 03 ---------> WAIT! Please type in SIce '?
Does this number in EAX look
familiar to us? ;-)
If you still don`t understand,
than, It's
your time, and check by
yourself - don`t trust me!). OK,
so now we know,
That it SHR's EAX by 03 (SAR is
almost identical to SHR).
:0040A33D 03D0 add edx, eax ---------> Hmm, it adds the result from the
loop, the serial number shr'd by 03h
:0040A33F 52 push edx -------> Let's continue. (At this point, I
can tell you , the reg number, is
in EDX - only that the reg number
is in HEX --> That's how you enter it).
* Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->"%lx"
:0040A340 685EF54000 push 0040F55E
:0040A345 8D95B0FEFFFF lea edx, dword ptr [ebp+FFFFFEB0]
:0040A34B 52 push edx
* Reference To: USER32.wsprintfA, Ord:0000h
:0040A34C E8E5320000 Call 0040D636 -------> This one, does HEX2STR (Takes
the value from EDX, and turns it to an hex string).
:0040A351 83C40C add esp, 0000000C
:0040A354 8D8DB0FEFFFF lea ecx, dword ptr [ebp+FFFFFEB0] -----> type 'd ecx' -
THIS is the reg number! That's enough for us, the rest of
the code, is
just for comparing the correct reg code with ours.
:0040A35A 51 push ecx
* Reference To: USER32.CharLowerA, Ord:0000h
:0040A35B E8B8320000 Call 0040D618
:0040A360 8D85B0FEFFFF lea eax, dword ptr [ebp+FFFFFEB0]
:0040A366 50 push eax
:0040A367 FF750C push [ebp+0C]
* Reference To: cw3220mt._strcmp, Ord:0000h
:0040A36A E875300000 Call 0040D3E4
:0040A36F 83C408 add esp, 00000008
:0040A372 85C0 test eax, eax
:0040A374 7405 je 0040A37B
:0040A376 83C8FF or eax, FFFFFFFF
:0040A379 EB02 jmp 0040A37D
* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or ©onditional Jump at Address:
:0040A37B 33C0 xor eax, eax
* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or ©onditional Jump at Addresses:
|:0040A314(U), :0040A379(U)
:0040A37D 5F pop edi
:0040A37E 5E pop esi
:0040A37F 5B pop ebx
:0040A380 8BE5 mov esp, ebp
:0040A382 5D pop ebp
:0040A383 C3 ret
Making the actual Keygen
Now, after I've explained how does the program calculate the registration
code, you can either write your own keymaker, without looking at my code, or
look at my code (in Turbo Pascal - sorry for all you C lovers ;-) Next time).
That's it, here's the source of my keygen:
------------------- Cut here ---------------------------------------------
Program W3FilerKeygen;
Writeln(' W3Filer32 V1.1.3 Keymaker');
writeln('Cracked by ^pain^ ''97 / Rebels!');
Write('Your Name:'); { Read the name }
Write('Serial Number:');
readln(SerialNum); {Yes, we need the serial number for the calculation!}
For I:=1 to length(Name) do
If Name[I]<>' ' then begin
eb:=ord(Name[I]) shl 3; {EB = Name[I] Shl 03h}
Ed:=ord(Name[I]); {ED = Name[I]}
ed:=ed*(x); {ED=ED*Offset}
eb:=eb+ed; {Add ED to EB}
Key:=Key+EB; {Add EB to KEY}
Key:=Key+(SerialNum shr 3); { Add SerialNum shr 03h to Key}
{ From here, this is just HEX2STRING --> I`m quite sure it's
Self explaintory, else - go and learn number bases again! ;-)}
digit:=Key mod 16;
key:=key div 16;
If digit<10 then KeyHex:=Chr(Digit+ord('0'))+KeyHex;
If digit>10 then KeyHex:=Chr(Digit-10+ord('a'))+KeyHex;
until key=0;
writeln('Your Key:',KeyHex);
writeln(' Enjoy!');
How to build a black box?
I found this tutorial quite a long time ago and I don't know if it still works. Nevertheless , it might be interresting to read, you might even learn something from it! I would have gladly given credit to it's author but won't since I have no idea who he is. So here is his tutorial that remained unchanged ( I hope!):
is a device that is hooked up to your phone that fixes your phone so that when you get a call, the caller doesn't get charged for the call. This is good for calls up to 1/2 hour, after 1/2 hour the phone Co. gets suspicious, and then you can guess what happens.
What this little beauty does is keep the line voltage from dropping to 10v when you answer your fone. The line is instead kept at 36v and it will make the fone think that it is still ringing while your talking. The reason for the 1/2 hour time limit is that the
phone CO. thinks that something is wrong after 1/2 an hour of ringing.
All parts are available at Radio Shack. Using the least possible parts and arangement, the cost is $0.98 !!!! And that is parts for two of them! Talk about a deal! If you want to splurge then you can get a small PC board, and a switch. There are two
schematics for this box, one is for most normal fones. The second one is
for fones that don't work with the first. It was made for use with a Bell
Trimline touch tone fone.
** Schematic 1 for most fones **
** LED ON: BOX ON **
FROM >--------------------GREEN-> TO
LINE >--! 1.8k LED !---RED--> FONE
! !
Parts: 1 1.8k 1/2 watt resistor
1 1.5v LED
1 SPST switch
You may just have two wires which you connect together for the switch.
** Schematic 2 for all fones **
FROM >---------------GREEN-> TO
LINE >------- ---RED--> FONE
! LED !
! !
�Parts: 1 2 watt resistor
1 1.5v LED
1 DPST switch
Here is the PC board layout that I recommend using. It is neat and is very easy to hook up.
Schematic #1 Schematic #2
************** ****************
* * * ------- *
* ----- * * ! ! *
* ! ! * * ! *
* RESISTOR ! * * ! ! ! *
* ! ! * * ! ! / *
* -------- ! * * ! ! *
* ! ! * * !! / *
* --SWITCH-- * * ! ! *
* ! ! * * ! ! / *
L * ! ! * F L * ! ! ! * F
N>-----GREEN---->N N>-----GREEN------>N
E * h * E E * * E
************** ****************
Once you have hooked up all the parts, you must figure out what set of wires go to the line and which go to the fone. This is because of the fact that LED's must be put in, in a certain direction. Depending on which way you put the LED is what controls what wires are for the line & fone.
How to find out:
Hook up the box in one direction using one set offor line and the other for fone.
*NOTE* For Model I switch should be OFF.
*NOTE* For Model ][ switch should be set to side connecting the led.
Once you have hooked it up, then pick up the fone and see if the LED is on. If it is, the LED will be lit. If is doesn't light then switch the wires and try again. Once you know which are which then label them. *NOTE* - If neither directions worked then your
�lable the switch in its current position as BOX ON.
How to use it:
The purpose of this box is for poeple who call you not to pay so it would make
sence that it can only be used to receive! calls. When the box is *ON* then you may only recieve calls. Your fone will ring like normal and the LED on the box will flash. If you answer the fone now, then the LED will light and the caller will not be charged. Hang up the fone after you are done talking like normal. You will not be able to get a dial-tone or call when the box is on, so turn the box *OFF* for normal calls. I don't recommend that you leave it on all the time, as you don't want it to answer when Ma Bell calls!
Hope it brought something to those who read it.
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is a device that is hooked up to your phone that fixes your phone so that when you get a call, the caller doesn't get charged for the call. This is good for calls up to 1/2 hour, after 1/2 hour the phone Co. gets suspicious, and then you can guess what happens.
What this little beauty does is keep the line voltage from dropping to 10v when you answer your fone. The line is instead kept at 36v and it will make the fone think that it is still ringing while your talking. The reason for the 1/2 hour time limit is that the
phone CO. thinks that something is wrong after 1/2 an hour of ringing.
All parts are available at Radio Shack. Using the least possible parts and arangement, the cost is $0.98 !!!! And that is parts for two of them! Talk about a deal! If you want to splurge then you can get a small PC board, and a switch. There are two
schematics for this box, one is for most normal fones. The second one is
for fones that don't work with the first. It was made for use with a Bell
Trimline touch tone fone.
** Schematic 1 for most fones **
** LED ON: BOX ON **
FROM >--------------------GREEN-> TO
LINE >--! 1.8k LED !---RED--> FONE
! !
Parts: 1 1.8k 1/2 watt resistor
1 1.5v LED
1 SPST switch
You may just have two wires which you connect together for the switch.
** Schematic 2 for all fones **
FROM >---------------GREEN-> TO
LINE >------- ---RED--> FONE
! LED !
! !
�Parts: 1 2 watt resistor
1 1.5v LED
1 DPST switch
Here is the PC board layout that I recommend using. It is neat and is very easy to hook up.
Schematic #1 Schematic #2
************** ****************
* * * ------- *
* --
* ! ! * * !
* RESISTOR ! * * ! ! ! *
* ! ! * * ! ! / *
* -------- ! * * ! ! *
* ! ! * * !
* --SWITCH-- * * ! ! *
* ! ! * * ! ! / *
L * ! ! * F L * ! ! ! * F
N>-----GREEN---->N N>-----GREEN------>N
E * h * E E * * E
************** ****************
Once you have hooked up all the parts, you must figure out what set of wires go to the line and which go to the fone. This is because of the fact that LED's must be put in, in a certain direction. Depending on which way you put the LED is what controls what wires are for the line & fone.
How to find out:
Hook up the box in one direction using one set offor line and the other for fone.
*NOTE* For Model I switch should be OFF.
*NOTE* For Model ][ switch should be set to side connecting the led.
Once you have hooked it up, then pick up the fone and see if the LED is on. If it is, the LED will be lit. If is doesn't light then switch the wires and try again. Once you know which are which then label them. *NOTE* - If neither directions worked then your
�lable the switch in its current position as BOX ON.
How to use it:
The purpose of this box is for poeple who call you not to pay so it would make
sence that it can only be used to receive! calls. When the box is *ON* then you may only recieve calls. Your fone will ring like normal and the LED on the box will flash. If you answer the fone now, then the LED will light and the caller will not be charged. Hang up the fone after you are done talking like normal. You will not be able to get a dial-tone or call when the box is on, so turn the box *OFF* for normal calls. I don't recommend that you leave it on all the time, as you don't want it to answer when Ma Bell calls!
Hope it brought something to those who read it.
FreeBSD Installation Guide
A step-by-step guide to installing FreeBSD 5. It assumes moderate experience with linux and leaves you with a fully updated FreeBSD system.
FreeBSD Installation
A. 5.x vs 4.x
The first thing to understand about FreeBSD is that there are two lines of development. The -STABLE branch is marked with a 4.x version number and the most recent version is 4.10. It is well tested and very solid, but does not include the most recent technology. The -CURRENT branch, marked with a 5.x version, is the “unstable” branch. However, it is nicely stable at the moment and is coming along quite well. Most users should go with 5.x and these instructions are only valid for that tree.
NOTE: DragonFlyBSD ( www.dragonflybsd.org ) is a continuation of the 4.x line. It uses lock-less (no mutexes) SMP support and a Light Weight Kernel Threading system. It has a lot of promise and is developing at a breakneck pace, but it should still be thought of as “R/D.”
B. Getting Media
I am not going to say much about this. There are links to various ftp mirrors at www.freebsd.org and the directory structure is fairly self-explanatory. There are however several choices for ISO. You should choose the miniinst ISO. It is small and will include everything you need for the base system.
C. Starting Installation
After, the CD boots up you will enter the...ahh.....majestic sysinstall. You can safely ignore most of the options and just choose a standard installation. Most of the install process is pretty easy and anyone who has some experience with linux or unix will be able to handle it without much stress. However, creating partitions and dealing with drives will seem very odd to your standard linux user.
D. Hard Disc Management in FreeBSD
Ok, the first thing to get used to here is that IDE drives are not hda, hdb...etc. They are ad0, ad1 and so forth. SCSI discs are da0, da1...and so on. There is one other thing that is going to freak some people out. You create slices, not partitions, on the disc and then create partitions within those slices. For example, the first partition in the first slice on the first IDE disc would be ad0s1a. Just accept it.
E. Partitioning
Sysinstall will lead you through the partitioning and its fairly easy to understand. The first part will ask you to choose a disc or discs to partition and then will show you a "slice editor." This is where you will create your slice. I advise you to only make one. While multiple slices are easy to deal with, it just adds complication. If this is not your first installation of a BSD type OS, then you can ignore me and why are you reading this again?
After creating your slice, you will be prompted to choose the drive(s) to install an MBR on. The FreeBSD boot loader is nothing to write home about, but it tends towards working. After this step, you can create partitions. There is not much to say here. At the top of the screen it will show your slice(s) and when one of them is selected you can use the controls to create a partition on it. You will need at least a root and swap partition. On the non-swap partitions it is usually a good idea to enable soft-updates.
F. Distribution Sets
This is a simple section, select minimal.
G. Continue Installation
The rest of this is pretty simple. Make sure you install from the CD and not the Internet. The bulk of the install is now done. After it copies files to your disc, it will start the configuration process. This is all pretty self-evident, but there are a couple things you should know.
Network Configuration
Don't be scared by the names, in *BSD devices are named after their drivers. There is also a short description after the name, so you should be able to choose the right one. The rest of the network config is easy, just follow the prompts.
System Console Configuration
You can pretty much ignore this, you may want to look around for your own knowledge and of course you could pick a nice screen saver here, but other then that I would leave it alone for now.
Time Zone
All I have to say here is that if you live in the US, after you choose “America – North and South” hit the end key. The US is at the bottom of the list and hitting end is the quickest way there.
Say no, we will do this later and with an updated linux_base.
OK, welcome to the wonderful and amazing world of moused. Answer the first question truthfully, and then you can tweak the settings in the “Please configure your mouse” dialog. Whatever you do, be sure to enable the daemon. Also, for most users that is all you will have to do. You can safely ignore the other options.
Package Installation
At this point, the installer will ask you to install binary packages. Say no. These binaries are out of date and not included on our CD.
Of users and roots
This isn't the most thrilling section, add a user when it asks you to and set a root password after that. The only thing I have to say about this process is when the new user dialog comes up leave the “Group:” box unchanged and add “wheel” to the Member groups. You also might want to set your shell to /bin/tcsh. As for setting the root password, if you can't handle that we have bigger problems.
Ok, next it will ask if you would like to visit the general config area. Select no and you will be brought back to the main menu. Exit the install, reboot without the CD in and enjoy the boot messages.
H. The Real Post-Install
At this point, I am going to assume that you are now looking at a login prompt and thinking “my my...FreeBSD boots quite quickly doesn't it.” Well, our task is not done yet...there is a reason we did a minimal install. We are going to do most of it ourselves. First, lets upgrade to -CURRENT. This isn't a practice I would usually recommend, but 5.x is close to being tagged stable and -CURRENT is rather solid at the moment. First, I need to explain how things are done in the BSD world.
CVS up; you up; we all CVSUP. Cvsup is a very interesting program that I am not going to explain in detail here. All you really need to know is that it updates source trees. You see, that is the thing. You may be used to /usr/src not doing much. In BSD it has a job, it holds the source for the entire base system. However, we did a minimal install and no source is there. It wouldn't be up2date anyway. So, lets fix that. Login as root and type the following: pkg_add -r cvsup-without-gui
pkg_add is the binary installer for FreeBSD and the -r argument tells it to fetch binaries from the net. It will also fetch any deps that you might need. Switch to another console while this is happening and login as root. Do the following:
cd /etc
cp /usr/share/examples/etc/make.conf /etc/make.conf
cp /usr/share/examples/cvsup/standard-supfile /usr
cp /usr/share/examples/cvsup/ports-supfile /usr
chmod u+w /etc/make.conf /usr/standard-supfile /usr/ports-supfile
What was that? Well here is the rundown. Make.conf is the file that controls the building of programs from source on FreeBSD and the supfiles tell cvsup where to get the source for the base system and the ports system, also where to put said source. They come out of /usr/share/examples without the write bit set and that gets annoying. So we set that. Now switch back to the first console and type rehash. This tells tcsh to check its path for new programs. Now, edit the standard supfile that is in /usr. You can either use ee or vi. I like vi. Scroll down to the line that looks a bit odd. It will be something like:
*default host=CHANGE_THIS.FreeBSD.org
The “CHANGE_THIS” is where you put what cvsup server to use. Choose a number between 1 and 9, like 4, and put cvsup4 where CHANGE_THIS is. So it would end up being:
*default host=cvsup4.FreeBSD.org
Now exit your editor and run cvsup /usr/standard-supfile
If everything goes correctly, you will see a lot of text scrolling on the screen. If it says something about a bad connection, try another number.
Now 'tis the time for all good men (and women) to edit their make.conf . This is not difficult, in fact have a look around the file. It may be long, but it is pretty simple. Now, uncomment the CPU setting and the CFLAGS setting. Set the CPU to your CPU (there will be a list in the comments above the setting) and set the CFLAGS to -O2. (NOTE: If the base system fails to build, downgrade your CFLAGS back to -O).
Build Your World
When CVSUP finishes (it will be awhile...go get some coffee), cd to /usr/src and run make buildworld. That command will do exactly what it sounds like. It builds your world, or base system. While its doing that, lets get you a kernel. First, cd to /usr/src/sys/i386/conf then cp GENERIC to some file of your choosing. Any name you want. However, be aware that this is going to show up in a uname -a. Now, crack open your new file and take a look at what a FreeBSD kernel config is like. There are many things you can do here that will improve performance and subtract in size. However, lets keep it simple. Near the top of the file will be the name GENERIC. Change that to your new name. You can now look through the file and you will find several sections that are just for debugging. These will indeed add size and slow down the kernel a bit, but I would leave them for now. Go to the end of the file and make a new line. Add the following:
device pcm
This will add sound support to the kernel. Be aware that you don't need to do this, you can load binary modules at boot or after boot, but this way is easy and sound is used often. Save the file and exit. Go back to your buildworld console and when its done execute make buildkernel KERNCONF=YOUR_KERNEL_CONFIG_NAME
NOTE: NOT THE PATH OF THE KERNEL CONFIG..it knows to look in /usr/src/sys/i386/conf
Installing Your World
This isn't that difficult. First run make installkernel KERNCONF= your config name. Now here is the interesting part. Run mergemaster -p, this program looks through your etc and updates it to match the new /etc in /usr/src. It will display changed files to you, press q and it will give you options. Something like i (install), m (merge) etc. Pick merge and it will open a nice little screen that shows you one file on the right and one on the left. It will go section by section, showing the areas that have changed. Press r or l to choose which section to keep. Its pretty easy to see which section has new stuff and which does not. After the merge, it will prompt you with options for the newly merged file. One of these will be install and this is the one you want. In the latest current, most of what you will be showed is user and group files. Make sure you do select the sections with the new users and groups. After this is done, it will ask you a couple questions that you can say yes to. Now that your /etc is updated run make installworld then reboot.
NOTE: You usually don't need to run mergemaster. However, 5.2.1 is a pretty old release and -CURRENT has come a long way.
I. Ports
Welcome to running current. The rest is easy. cd back to /usr and edit the ports supfile the same way you did the standard one. Run cvsup on it and wait. After its done, you will have a full ports tree. There is not much left to say. You now have a working system and a fully updated one too. To install software from ports cd to /usr/ports/category/softwarename/ and run make install clean . If you want linux binary support, install the linux_base port. To find where it is cd to /usr/ports and run make search name=linux_base | less . Enable loading the kernel modules for linux binary support by editing /etc/rc.conf. Just add the line linux_enable="YES" to the file and your set. If this is a desktop system, I would recommend installing /usr/ports/x11/xorg and your choice of /usr/ports/x11/gnome2 or kde3. Have fun .
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FreeBSD Installation
A. 5.x vs 4.x
The first thing to understand about FreeBSD is that there are two lines of development. The -STABLE branch is marked with a 4.x version number and the most recent version is 4.10. It is well tested and very solid, but does not include the most recent technology. The -CURRENT branch, marked with a 5.x version, is the “unstable” branch. However, it is nicely stable at the moment and is coming along quite well. Most users should go with 5.x and these instructions are only valid for that tree.
NOTE: DragonFlyBSD ( www.dragonflybsd.org ) is a continuation of the 4.x line. It uses lock-less (no mutexes) SMP support and a Light Weight Kernel Threading system. It has a lot of promise and is developing at a breakneck pace, but it should still be thought of as “R/D.”
B. Getting Media
I am not going to say much about this. There are links to various ftp mirrors at www.freebsd.org and the directory structure is fairly self-explanatory. There are however several choices for ISO. You should choose the miniinst ISO. It is small and will include everything you need for the base system.
C. Starting Installation
After, the CD boots up you will enter the...ahh.....majestic sysinstall. You can safely ignore most of the options and just choose a standard installation. Most of the install process is pretty easy and anyone who has some experience with linux or unix will be able to handle it without much stress. However, creating partitions and dealing with drives will seem very odd to your standard linux user.
D. Hard Disc Management in FreeBSD
Ok, the first thing to get used to here is that IDE drives are not hda, hdb...etc. They are ad0, ad1 and so forth. SCSI discs are da0, da1...and so on. There is one other thing that is going to freak some people out. You create slices, not partitions, on the disc and then create partitions within those slices. For example, the first partition in the first slice on the first IDE disc would be ad0s1a. Just accept it.
E. Partitioning
Sysinstall will lead you through the partitioning and its fairly easy to understand. The first part will ask you to choose a disc or discs to partition and then will show you a "slice editor." This is where you will create your slice. I advise you to only make one. While multiple slices are easy to deal with, it just adds complication. If this is not your first installation of a BSD type OS, then you can ignore me and why are you reading this again?
After creating your slice, you will be prompted to choose the drive(s) to install an MBR on. The FreeBSD boot loader is nothing to write home about, but it tends towards working. After this step, you can create partitions. There is not much to say here. At the top of the screen it will show your slice(s) and when one of them is selected you can use the controls to create a partition on it. You will need at least a root and swap partition. On the non-swap partitions it is usually a good idea to enable soft-updates.
F. Distribution Sets
This is a simple section, select minimal.
G. Continue Installation
The rest of this is pretty simple. Make sure you install from the CD and not the Internet. The bulk of the install is now done. After it copies files to your disc, it will start the configuration process. This is all pretty self-evident, but there are a couple things you should know.
Network Configuration
Don't be scared by the names, in *BSD devices are named after their drivers. There is also a short description after the name, so you should be able to choose the right one. The rest of the network config is easy, just follow the prompts.
System Console Configuration
You can pretty much ignore this, you may want to look around for your own knowledge and of course you could pick a nice screen saver here, but other then that I would leave it alone for now.
Time Zone
All I have to say here is that if you live in the US, after you choose “America – North and South” hit the end key. The US is at the bottom of the list and hitting end is the quickest way there.
Say no, we will do this later and with an updated linux_base.
OK, welcome to the wonderful and amazing world of moused. Answer the first question truthfully, and then you can tweak the settings in the “Please configure your mouse” dialog. Whatever you do, be sure to enable the daemon. Also, for most users that is all you will have to do. You can safely ignore the other options.
Package Installation
At this point, the installer will ask you to install binary packages. Say no. These binaries are out of date and not included on our CD.
Of users and roots
This isn't the most thrilling section, add a user when it asks you to and set a root password after that. The only thing I have to say about this process is when the new user dialog comes up leave the “Group:” box unchanged and add “wheel” to the Member groups. You also might want to set your shell to /bin/tcsh. As for setting the root password, if you can't handle that we have bigger problems.
Ok, next it will ask if you would like to visit the general config area. Select no and you will be brought back to the main menu. Exit the install, reboot without the CD in and enjoy the boot messages.
H. The Real Post-Install
At this point, I am going to assume that you are now looking at a login prompt and thinking “my my...FreeBSD boots quite quickly doesn't it.” Well, our task is not done yet...there is a reason we did a minimal install. We are going to do most of it ourselves. First, lets upgrade to -CURRENT. This isn't a practice I would usually recommend, but 5.x is close to being tagged stable and -CURRENT is rather solid at the moment. First, I need to explain how things are done in the BSD world.
CVS up; you up; we all CVSUP. Cvsup is a very interesting program that I am not going to explain in detail here. All you really need to know is that it updates source trees. You see, that is the thing. You may be used to /usr/src not doing much. In BSD it has a job, it holds the source for the entire base system. However, we did a minimal install and no source is there. It wouldn't be up2date anyway. So, lets fix that. Login as root and type the following: pkg_add -r cvsup-without-gui
pkg_add is the binary installer for FreeBSD and the -r argument tells it to fetch binaries from the net. It will also fetch any deps that you might need. Switch to another console while this is happening and login as root. Do the following:
cd /etc
cp /usr/share/examples/etc/make.conf /etc/make.conf
cp /usr/share/examples/cvsup/standard-supfile /usr
cp /usr/share/examples/cvsup/ports-supfile /usr
chmod u+w /etc/make.conf /usr/standard-supfile /usr/ports-supfile
What was that? Well here is the rundown. Make.conf is the file that controls the building of programs from source on FreeBSD and the supfiles tell cvsup where to get the source for the base system and the ports system, also where to put said source. They come out of /usr/share/examples without the write bit set and that gets annoying. So we set that. Now switch back to the first console and type rehash. This tells tcsh to check its path for new programs. Now, edit the standard supfile that is in /usr. You can either use ee or vi. I like vi. Scroll down to the line that looks a bit odd. It will be something like:
*default host=CHANGE_THIS.FreeBSD.org
The “CHANGE_THIS” is where you put what cvsup server to use. Choose a number between 1 and 9, like 4, and put cvsup4 where CHANGE_THIS is. So it would end up being:
*default host=cvsup4.FreeBSD.org
Now exit your editor and run cvsup /usr/standard-supfile
If everything goes correctly, you will see a lot of text scrolling on the screen. If it says something about a bad connection, try another number.
Now 'tis the time for all good men (and women) to edit their make.conf . This is not difficult, in fact have a look around the file. It may be long, but it is pretty simple. Now, uncomment the CPU setting and the CFLAGS setting. Set the CPU to your CPU (there will be a list in the comments above the setting) and set the CFLAGS to -O2. (NOTE: If the base system fails to build, downgrade your CFLAGS back to -O).
Build Your World
When CVSUP finishes (it will be awhile...go get some coffee), cd to /usr/src and run make buildworld. That command will do exactly what it sounds like. It builds your world, or base system. While its doing that, lets get you a kernel. First, cd to /usr/src/sys/i386/conf then cp GENERIC to some file of your choosing. Any name you want. However, be aware that this is going to show up in a uname -a. Now, crack open your new file and take a look at what a FreeBSD kernel config is like. There are many things you can do here that will improve performance and subtract in size. However, lets keep it simple. Near the top of the file will be the name GENERIC. Change that to your new name. You can now look through the file and you will find several sections that are just for debugging. These will indeed add size and slow down the kernel a bit, but I would leave them for now. Go to the end of the file and make a new line. Add the following:
device pcm
This will add sound support to the kernel. Be aware that you don't need to do this, you can load binary modules at boot or after boot, but this way is easy and sound is used often. Save the file and exit. Go back to your buildworld console and when its done execute make buildkernel KERNCONF=YOUR_KERNEL_CONFIG_NAME
NOTE: NOT THE PATH OF THE KERNEL CONFIG..it knows to look in /usr/src/sys/i386/conf
Installing Your World
This isn't that difficult. First run make installkernel KERNCONF= your config name. Now here is the interesting part. Run mergemaster -p, this program looks through your etc and updates it to match the new /etc in /usr/src. It will display changed files to you, press q and it will give you options. Something like i (install), m (merge) etc. Pick merge and it will open a nice little screen that shows you one file on the right and one on the left. It will go section by section, showing the areas that have changed. Press r or l to choose which section to keep. Its pretty easy to see which section has new stuff and which does not. After the merge, it will prompt you with options for the newly merged file. One of these will be install and this is the one you want. In the latest current, most of what you will be showed is user and group files. Make sure you do select the sections with the new users and groups. After this is done, it will ask you a couple questions that you can say yes to. Now that your /etc is updated run make installworld then reboot.
NOTE: You usually don't need to run mergemaster. However, 5.2.1 is a pretty old release and -CURRENT has come a long way.
I. Ports
Welcome to running current. The rest is easy. cd back to /usr and edit the ports supfile the same way you did the standard one. Run cvsup on it and wait. After its done, you will have a full ports tree. There is not much left to say. You now have a working system and a fully updated one too. To install software from ports cd to /usr/ports/category/softwarename/ and run make install clean . If you want linux binary support, install the linux_base port. To find where it is cd to /usr/ports and run make search name=linux_base | less . Enable loading the kernel modules for linux binary support by editing /etc/rc.conf. Just add the line linux_enable="YES" to the file and your set. If this is a desktop system, I would recommend installing /usr/ports/x11/xorg and your choice of /usr/ports/x11/gnome2 or kde3. Have fun .
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Doom 3 Speed Up, Guaranteed 40% better
First, open your doom3\base folder. Doubleclick on the pak000.pk4 file. In the "window can't open this file .. .bla bla" dialog, go on and associate the file with an app like WinRar. With this file open in WinRar, go to the glprogs directory in the file. In there you'll find the shaders. The interaction.vfp file seems to be the main rendering shader. Altering this shader to output a constant color turns most objects into that constant color, except for stuff like computer screens etc.
So doubleclick the interaction.vfp file to open it (you may have to associate the .vfp extension with a text editor like notepad or wordpad first since we're going to edit the file). Scroll down to the fragment shader. You'll find these rows:
PARAM subOne = { -1, -1, -1, -1 };
PARAM scaleTwo = { 2, 2, 2, 2 };
Add this right below them:
PARAM specExp = { 16, 0, 0, 0 };
Now scroll down to this:
# perform a dependent table read for the specular falloff
TEX R1, specular, texture[6], 2D;
Comment out that line by adding a "#" to it, and add another line that will do the same thing with math instead, so it should look like this:
# perform a dependent table read for the specular falloff
# TEX R1, specular, texture[6], 2D;
POW R1, specular.x, specExp.x;
Save the file and close your text editor. WinRar will ask if you want to update the file in the archive, select yes. Close WinRar and enjoy about 40% higher performance in Doom3.
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First, open your doom3\base folder. Doubleclick on the pak000.pk4 file. In the "window can't open this file .. .bla bla" dialog, go on and associate the file with an app like WinRar. With this file open in WinRar, go to the glprogs directory in the file. In there you'll find the shaders. The interaction.vfp file seems to be the main rendering shader. Altering this shader to output a constant color turns most objects into that constant color, except for stuff like computer screens etc.
So doubleclick the interaction.vfp file to open it (you may have to associate the .vfp extension with a text editor like notepad or wordpad first since we're going to edit the file). Scroll down to the fragment shader. You'll find these rows:
PARAM subOne = { -1, -1, -1, -1 };
PARAM scaleTwo = { 2, 2, 2, 2 };
Add this right below them:
PARAM specExp = { 16, 0, 0, 0 };
Now scroll down to this:
# perform a dependent table read for the specular falloff
TEX R1, specular, texture[6], 2D;
Comment out that line by adding a "#" to it, and add another line that will do the same thing with math instead, so it should look like this:
# perform a dependent table read for the specular falloff
# TEX R1, specular, texture[6], 2D;
POW R1, specular.x, specExp.x;
Save the file and close your text editor. WinRar will ask if you want to update the file in the archive, select yes. Close WinRar and enjoy about 40% higher performance in Doom3.
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