Thursday, March 24

Genetic algorithm examples

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There’s been a lot of buzz recently on reddit and HN about genetic algorithms. Some impressive new demos have surfaced and I’d like to take this opportunity to review some of the cool things people have done with genetic algorithms, a fascinating subfield of evolutionary computing / machine learning (which is itself a part of the broader study of artificial intelligence (ah how academics love to classify things (and nest parentheses (especially computer scientists)))).

If you’re new to genetic algorithms, don’t be put off by the awesome/scary name – you might like to check out my own modest contribution to the field of abusing science to make cool useless things; the hello world genetic algorithm tutorial. It’s written as a short genetic algorithm tutorial to help beginners understand genetic algorithms from the ground up (and it has a pretty interactive demo in JavaScript too!).

So here’s my top five evolutionary scripts:

Number Five – Evolving a Car

The earliest genetic algorithm I can remember seeing online is the original boxcar script, which evolves a car capable of traversing a landscape. It’s written in flash and source code is available which is pretty cool. It pops up on reddit etc from time to time. The earliest discussion I can find was from 2008. Here’s another thread from 2 months ago. This idea has recently been reborn at, where you get a little more control over the parameters – mutation rate, number of wheels, etc.

It’s pretty easy to see what the fitness function will be; how far the car can travel. This script also gives an answer to a common question; people often wonder what the point of a genetic algorithm is, asking things like “If you know what constitutes a good solution, why can’t you just create a good solution from scratch?”. The car evolution script demonstrates that in some cases knowing what makes a solution a good one doesn’t always imply that we know how to achieve that. We know that we want the cars to travel far, but we mightn’t know whether a short wheelbase is good, or whether large or small wheels are helpful and so on. Genetic Algorithms offer an easy way to explore the space of possible solutions.

Number Four – Lego Structures

This is a spectacular demonstration of the power of genetic algorithms – using them to evolve schematics for lego structures (which of course, the researcher then print out and create for real!). Some examples include evolving a lego bridge, a lego tree, a crane capable of carrying half a kilo, and a three dimensional table optimised for height, surface area, strength and lightness!

In the example above, candidate solutions were considered fitter the greater distance they spanned – the final bridge candidate was nearly two metres in length!

Besides combining lego and computers into a package of unbridled awesome, there are a few interesting lessons to learn from this:

1) The researchers probably couldn’t have created this length bridge by hand without a lot of effort, so the GA simulation allowed them not only to produce a decent real solution efficiently, but also allowed them to build a bridge without having any knowledge of how to build bridges (none of the humans needed to be architects). So that’s encouraging for fields where there are no existent human experts.

2) The bridge isn’t that good. I mean, it’s great, but it takes no load, and there’s probably a ‘better’ way to build a 2 metre bridge from lego – if you tasked an engineer with the problem I doubt they’d produce anything like the above structure. Which tells us that human experts, if extant, will probably be better than evolved solutions. And we also learn that it’s hugely important to get the right fitness function – the researchers didn’t add any load carrying ability to the algorithm, so it didn’t optimise for that. Perfectly understandable and expected, but something to be aware of if you’re designing your own genetic algorithm. Do you really want to assume you have an infinite supply of bricks or should the fitness function penalise a little for excessive material usage? Questions to ask yourself as a researcher.

I’m not meaning to imply that the guys who built this bridge overlooked anything – they knew exactly what they were doing – but I think their results illustrate quite nicely that even with fancy genetic algorithms, a computer will still always do exactly what it’s told to. They wanted a long bridge. That’s what they got.

Number Three – Artificial Creatures

If you thought the boxcar demo was cool, you’ll love this. While the boxcar was two dimensional and merely attached already-rotating wheels to struts to achieve motion, Nicolas Lassabe’s work involves evolving from basic building blocks creatures which are capable of interacting with a three dimensional physical environment – first walking, then climbing stairs, traversing moving objects, and finally operating in cooperation. You can watch the video below, and visit his website all about his research into artificial life.

These artificial creatures are a fascinating way to visualise the process of evolution, and offer a brilliant muse into the workings of natural selection. Moreover, I can see potential applications for resourceful robots which might scan an environment for parts it might be able to use and then use an evolutionary algorithm to find a good way of incorporating those parts into itself. Or something. Either way, I guarantee that when the robots come to cleanse the earth of organic scum, they’ll have evolved from these cute colourful critters originally. Be warned.

Number Two – Mona Lisa

Evolving Mona Lisa using Genetic Algorithms

This class of demo scripts are impressively visual. The task is to rearrange and re-colour some polygons in order to maximise the similarity with the Mona Lisa. It’s mesmerising to watch the triangles shuffle around on the canvas, gradually forming the face, eyes, mouth and so on.

There have been a few different Mona Lisa demos, but the earliest I can find is Roger Alsing’s Genetic Mona Lisa demo from December 2008. This demo (output pictured above) wasn’t even strictly a genetic algorithm – the solutions were represented in a chromosome and mutation occured, but there was no crossover operation (although Roger insisted it still qualified).

Since then, several authors have attempted the same using different technologies and approaches. Jacob Seidelin wrote an awesome version in Jan 2009 which is truly genetic, and furthermore works in JavaScript and html5 canvas! The awesomeness is almost too much to bear.

What strikes me about these is that you clearly see rapid progress towards the target image, but then a kind of local optimum is reached where the evolved image improves only at a very slow pace. This indicates a less-than-perfect mutation or encoding method. Indeed, perfect fitness can never be achieved using a limited set of  polygons. Roger Alsing hinted at greater success with the detailed areas by using spline curves, pictured below, but no more has been heard about this.

Mona Lisa Evolved

Besides being a very fun demo to watch, there’s a strong intuitive sense that this could be applied to image compression; if you take a very fit candidate image, the chromosome will likely be a lot smaller than the original image data. Moreover, the chromosome will effectively be a vector graphic – infinitely scaleable. So there’s serious practical potential in genetic image compression and vectorisation. Neat. Encoding time is probably going to be an issue though.

Number One – Evolution IS a blind watchmaker

A clever and original demonstration of genetic algorithms. In this demo, the population starts with springs, gears, ratchets and hands, and it tries to evolve a working clock.

No shortcuts are taken; at the start the algorithm doesn’t know the correct ratios, number of teeth in the gears, correct number of components or which components fit together nicely. Watch the video as simple pendulums slowly evolve into hour, minute and second counting clocks. And even 4-handed clocks which have a 2 minute hand are unexpectedly evolved.

The presentation is framed within the wider creationism/evolution debate, and makes for an impressive demonstration of the power of evolution, and furthermore, the matlab code is made available in the video’s description! Impressive, educational and original!

If you’d like to learn more about genetic algorithms, check out my genetic algorithm tutorial with interactive demo and code, and post your go-to examples of genetic algorithms in the comments!

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This entry was posted on March 3, 2011, 3:28 pm and is filed under machine learning. You can follow any responses to this entry through RSS 2.0.You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

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How to write protect your USB Flash drive

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USB Write ProtectMany a time, it becomes necessary for us to write protect USB flash drive us to protect it from viruses and other malicious programs. Because flash drives are so popular and most widely used for moving data between computers is the primary objective of the invaders as a way to get infections spread around the world. Also, since the USB drive is not read-only memory (ROM), the data inside can be easily modified or deleted by malicious programs.

But, unfortunately, most new drives flash does not come with a feature such as switch manufacturers to reduce production costs. Therefore, the only way to write protect your USB flash drive is to turn this feature on your own computer.

This can be done by adding a small entry in the Windows registry, which acts as a switch that can be activated to use the write-protected or disabled to allow write access. Simply follow these steps:

1. open the Registry Editor (open "Run" dialog regedit , type and hit "Enter").

2. navigate to following registry key:


3. create a new key named StorageDevicePoliciesas. To do this right-click the controland click new-> key and name the StorageDevicePoliciesas.

4. Now right-click StorageDevicePolicies and create a new->(32-bit representation), DWORD and name the WriteProtectas.

Write-Protect USB Drive






5. double-click WriteProtect in and set the value data in 1.

Now, the right to protection for USB drives on your computer is enabled (requires restart) and thus would not be possible for anyone or any program for adding/deleting contents from USB flash drive. Any attempt to copy or download of files on the USB drive will cause the following error message appears.

USB-Write Protect Error








To go back and remove the write-protection, all you have to do is simply changing the value data for WriteProtect (step 5) 1 back to 0. write access to all USB devices are now re-enabled.

Sometimes it may seem difficult to remember and follow the steps above every time you want to enable/disable the write-protection. Therefore, as an alternative way, there are many tools available to automatically enable/disable write-protected. One of my favorite tool is USB write protect by Naresh Manadhar. Using this tool you can restrict write access to your USB drives with a click of a button. You can download this tool from the following link:

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Two new documents of SCAP help improve your computer's security management automating

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ScienceDaily (16 March 2011) increasingly difficult to keep track of all vulnerabilities present complex in today's operating systems and applications. Attackers look for all the time, to exploit these vulnerabilities to take the identity fraud, plagiarism and other. National Institute of standards and technology (NIST) has released two publications updated to help organizations find and manage vulnerabilities more effectively, by standardizing the vulnerabilities identified, prioritized, and they are reported.

The security departments of computer work behind the scenes in all government ministries and other organizations to secure computers and networks. Valuable tools for software security automation is that of the NIST security content automation protocol (SCAP). SCAP-based software can be used to automatically check for individual computers to see if they have any known vulnerabilities, and if they have the appropriate security settings instead of corrections. Security issues can be identified quickly and accurately, allowing them to resolve before hackers can exploit them.

The first publication, the technical specification for the security content automation protocol (SCAP) version 1.1 (NIST Special publication (SP) 800-126 last 1) refines the requirements of the Protocol SCAP version 1.0. SCAP is a suite of specifications for standardizing the format and terminology that relate to security software to evaluate software flaws, security and software configurations.

SP 800-126 Rev. 1 tightens the requirements and specifications of individual suite to support the functionality of the SCAP and ensure interoperability between SCAP tools. It also adds a new specification-open checklist interactive language (OCIL)-which allows security professionals to collect information that is not accessible by means of automatic. For example, you can use OCIL ask users about security awareness training, or prompts the administrator to review security settings is available only through a proprietary graphical user interface. In addition, SCAP 1.1 reader for version 8.0 of the open vulnerability and assessment language (Oval).

NIST and others provide a publicly accessible stores of information security and standard security configurations, you can download templates SCAP and used by the Protocol SCAP compatible tools. For example, NIST national vulnerability database (NVD) provides a unique identifier for each vulnerability reported software, analysis of potential damage, specifies risk. NVD grew in 2002 about 6,000 drawings 46,000 in early 2011. It is updated daily.

The second document, a guide to using the vulnerability naming scheme (Special Edition publication 800-53-1), provides recommendations for naming schemes used by SCAP. Before these were standard, various organizations vulnerabilities in different ways, which created confusion. These naming schemes "may be a better synthesis of information about vulnerabilities in software," explained co-author David Waltermire, minimizes confusion and can lead to faster security patches. Common vulnerabilities and exposures (CVE) identification of defects in the software; A common configuration enumeration (CCE) is the configuration problems.

SP 800-68 Rev. 1 provides an introduction to the two naming schemes, recommends their use. It also offers some of the providers of software and services you need to use the names of the vulnerability and naming their products, service offerings.

These new publications can be downloaded from NIST. Technical specification for the security content automation protocol (SCAP) version 1.1 (NIST Special Publication 800-126 last 1) can be found on You can find the vulnerability naming scheme (Special Edition publication 800-53-1) in

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The above story printed (with writers adaptations by a teamdaily science) from materials that can be by the National Institute of standards technology (NIST).

Note: If no source is cited, instead.

Disclaimer: hdioth in this article do not necessarily reflect those of his team or ScienceDaily.

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