Interestingly, the iPad uses Apple’s in-house created chip called A4, clocked at 1GHz and features a 9.7-inch IPS capacitive touchscreen display. The tablet is 0.5-inches thin and comes with 16/32/64GB storage capacities, Wi-Fi 802.11n, 3G, Bluetooth 2.1, speakers, mic, compass, accelerometer and a battery capable of running up to 10 hours on a single charge.
Areas where iPad has an edge over iPod touch are gaming & apps – where iPad can run apps and games out-of-the-box on two resolutions – original in a blackbox or double them in full screen; a dedicated iBooks app that transforms iPad into a fully functional e-book reader and allows users to buy books in a very iTunes-like interface, iWork apps and will use GSM micro SIMs slot.
iPad will start shipping in late March with prices as follows: $499 (16GB), $599 (32GB), $699 (64GB), add $130 for 3G.